
As Organization Designers, we experience extreme pressure to provide quick fixes to complex challenges. We know that organizations form complex ecosystems with intricate patterns. Our organizations operate in a disruptive, fast shifting and digital world. We focus on designing solutions that create positive shifts in those patterns. Sometimes those shifts produce unintended, unexpected consequences in structure and culture. Those consequences give rise to new leadership challenges. We must be ready to respond and continue to adjust. We must create a harmonious balance among social, technical, market, and community systems.

At 2017 ODF, we will present a wide range of topics and techniques for engaging with complex patterns. You will explore and interact with people who bring different experiences, such as:

Organization design experts who share wisdom and guidance for finding the balance and simplicity.

Business executives who have experimented with different organization designs.

Authors of books, articles, research, and digital alternatives like blogs and vlogs.

Scholars who study organizations and bring ideas from the latest research.

Please help.


I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

http://organizationdesignforum.org/conf … onference/

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