I have this weird issue: I want to calculate the average of a calculated column for the period 3 months ago. So I created this measure:
Value3MonthsAgo = CALCULATE(AVERAGE(Table[CalculatedColumn]); FILTER('Table';Table[Period] = DATEADD(LASTDATE(Table[Period]);-3;MONTH)))
And it only returns a BLANK value...
I tried the same with another column and then it is working:
FakeValue3MonthsAgo = CALCULATE(AVERAGE(Table[OtherNonCalculatedColumn]); FILTER('Table';Table[Period] = DATEADD(LASTDATE(Table[Period]);-3;MONTH)))
And when filtering in min period it is also working:
FakeValue3MonthsAgo = CALCULATE(AVERAGE(Table[CalculatedColumn]); FILTER('Table';Table[Period] = MIN(Table[Period])))
I don't get it.... what do I do wrong?
Please help....
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
Motion Graphics Corporate Video
Отредактировано Williamhawk (2017-11-27 10:46:56)