I also posted out on comp.cad.solidworks but this appears to be more active so I wanted to cross post here. I am looking for ideas on how to handle a very large physically contour plot. I would really like to do some studies on volumn.
I have a contour plot of about 4 square miles. I figure the first problem will be one of scale as this is beyond the extents of solidworks. I think that I can scale in autocad to get below the extents. Then possibly import....
The second issue is how to map a surface or something actually usable to the contour lines. I threw out the idea of a loft with each selection as that is just not workable with the number of contours. But I am wondering if there are other ideas....
Would love to hear any.
Thank You!!!
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
Animated Business Whiteboard
Отредактировано Williamhawk (2017-11-27 10:45:08)